We’ve got a lot to cover today. We’re talking life changing type news… times THREE!
Fair warning, this is our first non-recipe post, but we really want you all to get a little insight in to what’s going on in the Show Me the Yummy world! Plus, there are cute pictures of Teddy, so you’ll come out ahead. 🙂
If you really want something yummy today, I’d suggest these One Bowl Brownies (my fav), this Slow Cooker Chex Mix (it seriously saved our snack-y selves last week 👇 ), or this Crockpot Thai Chicken Curry (ah.mazing).
BIG NEWS #1 – We Moved!
We’ve talked about this a bit lately, but almost a month ago, we started discussing the possibility of leaving our beloved Seattle and moving back to the midwest. It came out of nowhere but once the seed was planted, we created our pros/cons list and it turned out to be a no-brainer.
There was a pretty brief discussion on what our destination city would be, and we landed on Madison, Wisconsin. Big enough to not seem small, small enough to have charm, close enough to Chicago, Minneapolis and home but far enough from Chicago, Minneapolis and home. 🙂
We then began what we thought would be a two-three month process moving to our new city. Well… best laid plans being what they are, we write to you now from our new apartment in Madison just three weeks later.
1. Attempt to say goodbye to everyone we know (and visit all of our favorite restaurants) in ten days… not possible. Ugh, we miss you everyone!
2. Tetris all furniture into a 16ft truck with zero room to spare.
3. Be diligent and make sure to pack everything. FAIL! We realized we forgot to pack our brand new grill, that we’d only made BBQ Chicken Pizza on. DOH!!
4. Assure Teddy we are not leaving him when we were boxing everything up and make his less than spacious accommodations as comfortable as possible while riding shotgun in the front of the truck for forty hours.
5. Get sign we’re making the right move.
6. Assign Jennifer to audiobook duty with a dramatic reading of The Martian… which was SOOOO goood!
7. Arrive in Madison
It took us only two short days, one night we stayed in a hotel and… one night in the truck (this may sound like a bad idea that wouldn’t be comfortable at all… you’re right, it was horrible, bad call).
Once we arrived in Madison we were paranoid someone would steal our truck with all of our possessions, so Trevor slept in the truck night one and the next two nights we pulled shifts. I took the 9pm-3am shift (hello Pinterest and Netflix-Orange is the New Black), Trevor 3am-8am.
We found our new home on Thursday, got approved Friday and moved in Saturday (Thanks Conroys for driving up to help move us in!!!)!
[Cue celebratory drink lounging in our luxury hotel, stay classy Show Me the Yummy]
Now that we’re moved in, here’s our new kitchen, so excited!
It was a back and forth of emotions as to whether we were making the right choice and how fast it was moving, but we can now say with certainty… we’re thrilled with where we landed, excited to explore our new city (where are you best chips and salsa?) and can’t wait to make some extra yummy food here (which will undoubtedly involve a good amount of beer and cheese, this is Wisconsin after all)!
But how will Trevor keep working at his job in Seattle from Wisconsin?
BIG NEWS #2 – Trevor QUIT!
WHAAAATTT??? Yeah, I know, crazy!
This happened about two months ago so we’re waaaayyy overdue talking about it. As you can see from #1, it’s been just a little busy around here.
Trevor and I are both now on full-time with Show Me the Yummy!!!
This one required quite a bit more conversation than the move, but it boils down to this, take it away Trevor…
Just kidding. 🙂
This wasn’t a quick, arbitrary decision we made one night over some Oreos and milk (boy that sounds good). Jennifer and I have been talking a lot over the past six months about what our priorities and goals are and what life is all about for us. It boiled down to:
- Spending as much time together every day is more valuable than a vacation once or twice a year.
- Doing something we love and have passion for pays more than any corporation ever could.
- If we’re working for the next fifty years laughing and loving every day, that’s a pretty great retirement plan.
With those three things in mind, we decided that it was time to take a risk and pursue our passion together – this little ol’ delicious blog we call Show Me the Yummy.
We’re not independently wealthy, we weren’t signed on by Food Network (come on, Food Network!!!) and we’re by no means anywhere close to making enough from this blog to pay our bills, but we’ve decided to take a calculated risk, go all-in and see what happens. We figure we’ve got about 12-18 months before I would have to go and get another job, so we’ve put it in high gear and are working our butts off to make this a success!
By the way, “together” doesn’t just mean Jennifer and I, you’re involved in this equation too! We want to be one of the places you come to find easy, great recipes for food you’re looking to make. We’d love to hear from you about what you like, what you want to see us make, or just to say hi…so leave a comment or send a message our way!
For the love of all things holy, share everything on this site with everyone you know, we’re depending on you 😉
Just kidding…
Kind of 😉
BIG NEWS #3 – 1 MILLION Milestone
We hit 1 million page views (not dollars unfortunately 😉 ) on the blog on Friday, August 28th! To give you perspective, our first full month of the blog back in November 2014 had 20,000 page views. Ten months later, we hit that number in 3-4 days. We’re so blown away and humbled by the growth.
This is truly exciting news for us and we only have you to thank, our amazing readers, for coming back to read along with our recipes and life day in and day out. We wish we could send out individual thank you cards and cookies to each and every one of you, we appreciate it that much!
We have so much planned for this upcoming year and we hope you continue to join us on this exciting journey. We seriously couldn’t do it without you!
– Jennifer & Trevor (& Teddy, of course 🐾 )
Ilona Montreal, Quebec
Jennifer @ Show Me the Yummy
Libby Seattle, Washington
Jennifer @ Show Me the Yummy
Trish South San Francisco, California
Jennifer @ Show Me the Yummy
Mels Memphis, Tennessee
Jennifer @ Show Me the Yummy
Kristen Overland Park, Kansas
Jennifer @ Show Me the Yummy
Phi Racine, Wisconsin
Jennifer @ Show Me the Yummy
Tim Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Jennifer @ Show Me the Yummy
Kristen Overland Park, Kansas
Jennifer @ Show Me the Yummy
Alma Los Angeles, California
Jennifer @ Show Me the Yummy
Whitney San Francisco, California
Jennifer @ Show Me the Yummy
Aly Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Jennifer @ Show Me the Yummy
Rachel Festus, Missouri
Jennifer @ Show Me the Yummy